Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Washington D.C.

Shawn took a trip to D.C. a couple of weeks ago. He keeps meaning to blog about it, but then he forgets/gets busy. So, I decided to blog for him. The problem is that he showed these pics at about midnight on the day her got home (he got home after 11 p.m.) so I honestly can't remember much. Some are from the National Zoo, some are from the National Aquarium, and some are from the Smithonian. My favorite is of the guy at the Smithonian because when we said , oh who's that guy? Shawn's answer was "I have no idea, he was just in the picture". We're glad he's home and if you have questions about the trip feel free to comment, he's more likely to explain if I'm not the only one asking.


Anonymous said...

"Your tax dollars at work!"
Nice building for the IRS

Shawn said...

EVERYTHING down there is made of granite. I suppose it's because it takes a very - very - high temperature to burn stone. That, and grafitti is removed as easily as a sandblaster being hauled in . . .