I can totally understand a 3 year old who is potty training having 25 pairs of underwear, or the child whose washing machine eats socks having 25 pairs of socks, but really, no 3 year old needs 25 pairs of foot wear! Only 18 pairs our shown in this picture. Missing are 2 pairs of boots, 2 pairs of ballet slippers, a pair of tap shoes, a pair of black Sunday shoes (exactly like the black shoes shown), a pair of fuzzy pink princess slippers and another pair of ratty sneakers. This is simply too much for any child, though Carrie Bradshaw would be proud. Our only defense is that we only bought 7 pairs of shoes- including the slipped and dance shoes. The rest were gifts from her friend Claire, who knows the value of having good shoes. And, if you think Claire's shoe gifts are excessive, you should check out Lily's clothes- since Emily and Charlie wore out size three, Lily's great wardrobe comes from Claire.
We Have Done Our Bit
14 years ago
Gimme a break!:) With three boys and only one girl, I HAVE to spoil Claire a bit...its like THE LAW!
Hey I'm not complaining we LOVE that you're so generous with us. I justcan't believe she has so many pairs
Maybe you should add "give some of Lily's shoes away" to your family compact list!
Lucky girl!
In our house Jeremy's shoes take up the most room- size 15. When we travel, he needs a separate suitcase just for his shoes!
Haha what a girl!!!!
This is really impressive!! I always wondered how people became shoe collectors! I bet Lily looks adorable in them all...
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