Sunday, January 25, 2009

Compacting week 2

We continued compacting this week. Shawn and I did go out to dinner w/ friends, but we had excluded birthdays from compacting and as it was a friends's birthday we were celebrating, we felt okay about it. We chose not to go see Inkheart but are reading the book aloud instead. The girls love the story and love being read to so it's nice to read together. We also rented movies this weekend but used a gift card from a friend. We received many gift cards this Christmas and should continue to be able to do some activities/purchases for free.
So far the best strategy for us is to simply stay out of the stores. When we feel like slipping Lily keeps us on our toes. I had to convince her that it's okay to buy groceries as she wants to save ALL of our money for our trip this summer. There's no eating out/frivilous purchases with Lily in tow.


Nessa said...

Go Lily! Nothing like a three year old to keep you in line!

Unknown said...

We got lots of wrapping paper for next christmas yesterday at Walmart for 30 cents a roll.

meredith said...

I saw and bought the wrapping paper........ Thanks for making me feel guilty lol. But at 30 cents a roll I couldn't pass it up. I also bought a ginger bread house for $1. That's why I'm trying to stay out of Walmart- and no, Lily wasn't with me so she doesn't know.