Monday, November 10, 2008

Black Friday

I was reading an article about Christmas shopping and it listed a great site called where some black Friday and Thanksgiving day ads are already listed. I know it's early for Christmas, but as I type this Charlie is practicie Christmas carols on the piano and all three girls are getting ready for their Nutcracker/Santa Lucia Festival Dances, holiday concerts etc, so really it's not too early. I'm even getting ready to start our holiday newletter later this week. So, if you haven't at least thought about the holidays, you might want to start now, or if you're like Shawn, grumble that people are talking about it before Thanksgiving. Either way the add are great.


Unknown said...

Try searching goggle for Black Friday ads and you can see the scan of many stores today. YEA I am on a budget so I am really looking for the great deal only this year.

Ashley said...

lol tell shawn it is okay to talk about it. See for me when I start thinking about Christmas and listening to holiday music I get in the mood for the "holidays" not just christmas! I am so grateful feeling at both days so HAHA that is my excuse! See now he cannot feel as bad..... ;)

I am also happy to know I am not the only one however listening to Christmas music already! I have to get in as much as I can for the next few months.