Sunday, May 31, 2009

sink holes and I'm never camping again

I had to pick Shawn up Sunday night and I was shocked to find a sink hole on the way. It isn't a very large one, but it appeared to be deep. We decided that it would be a great thing to blog about. Unfortunately we couldn't find the camera. The last time I remember seeing it was in my bag at 5 a.m. in our tent. We're hoping that somehow Lily ran off with it and it will turn up this week, but so far no luck. If we don't find it by the end of the week we'll start looking into getting a new one.

Last year when we went camping I lost my cell phone. We never found it and believe that it got thrown away. Since we were at the same campsite this year with some of the same people I have a new superstious belief that either:
I should not go camping
I should not go camping at Oxbow
I should not go camping with the Peters family
I should not go camping with the Peters family at Oxbow
I should not take anything of value camping

either way I'm still cranky and since the town has filled the sink hole, I have no pictures for you.


Ashley said...

haha I think we have similar camping stories...Seriously though after 3 years here in the midwest I have to say camping just isn't fun period.....Until you go west!

meredith said...

As I read this post aloud to Shawn Lily made a surprised sound and said, "Mommy I didn't steal your camera, your computer's wrong!!"

Anonymous said...

You caught us, I endure camping so I can take things that are shiny and pretty back to my nest, hehehehehe. Lisa

meredith said...

LOL because you were so quick moving I'd never see you sneak into our tent? You were such a good sport to come in the first place, but between your injury and the fact that you just ordered a newer, better camera, it's safe to say that you didn't take it.
I'm just not sure if camping with you makes me less able to keep track of my stuff do to exhaustion, or if it's just a sign that camping's not for me.

Shawn said...

ahhhh, now we see where your "new" camera is coming from . . .