Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Shawn's new toy

We have been limping along with our computer dying a slow death. As a type this now, my computer is driving me insane. So, Shawn, ever the helpful and curteous husband- and so very attractive as well, started looking into purchasing us a great new computer. I went to bed one night thinking he was ordering one using a special discount her gets through work, and woke up to find out that he ordered one that he has to build himself. His brother, Jon actually ordered all the parts, and Shawn built it last night. He did a great job. It pays to have your guy work in OIT! (and have a fabulous brother that fills your online basket so all you have to do is check out!!!) Unfortunately, one of the cables is taking it's own sweet time to get here, so while it looks pretty, we aren't using it yet. Shawn promises that I'll really love it and i can't wait to blog from it really soon.

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