Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Last One Standing.....

Well it's been an interesting weekend. It started off with a bang-or rather an unpleasant smell. When the alarm went off at 6 Friday morning there was an unpleasant smell in our room. Lily had gotten sick in the night and then crawled into our bed.This was not such a big deal as both her sheets and ours needed to be washed anyway. Lily was her perky self all day so we didn't worry.
Then, Saturday night, Shawn got a call. Would we be willing to meet w/ a stake councilman before church on Sunday? He of course said sure- and wiyhin about 10 minutes Lily threw up. I cleaned her up and she was again her perky little self. She even had a snack and went sweetly off to sleep. The rest of the night was uneventful until 3:00 a.m. when Emily woke me up to let me know that she had thrown up. I cleaned up what needed to be cleaned up, gave her a bucket and sent her back to bed. She was sick again around 4 and then she was achy and tired and needed tlc. When I really got up around 7:00, I herded Charlie into the shower. We decided that just Charlie and I would go to church since I had to teach and that Shawn would go to his meeting and then come home to watch the sick ones.. Church was uneventful, but upon returning, Shawn was very sick. About 30 minutes ago, Charlie was VERY sick- her reply AFTER being very ill? "Gee Mom, I must have what Lily had because I feel great!!!!! (I still gave her a bucket and sent her to lay down). Now, I am the only one to escape illness so far, and, when you add in that even the cat threw up today, I have cleaned up some pretty nasty messes that Shawn has slept through... or pretended to sleep through
I am doing tons of laundry, taking care of Lily who is again her chipper little self and playing maid, nurse, and servant to my sickies........Hopefully I'll continue to stand.


Unknown said...

I am so soooooorrrrrryyyy. I really hope it has not left your house yet. Good luck. I will call if anyone is sick here.

Nessa said...

I'm soooooo glad that I am in CA!!!!!!!!!!! You and I both know that what you get, I get, what your kids get, my kids get!!!

meredith said...

Nessa- that is so true. This time, however, I managed NOT to get it. I did remain standing. As of 11:30 tonight everyone has recovered, so I'm hopeful to remain throw up free- at least until later this fall.....

Nessa said...

Yeah-count your starts soon and that means colds, pinkeye, and the fabulous witner exchange of every germ known to man!
ps- we'll be home tomorrow mid-afternoon!

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone is better now, and that you made it through- ahhh, the joys of mommyhood!

My kids wonder how I can stand to clean up the gunk in the sink or trash that has spilled- after days like this, nothing else will phase you!


You are such a patient mother!

So, you never told us what the stake wanted to meet with Shawn about. Is there a new calling we should know about? ;-)

meredith said...

Oh yeah. David Peters is the new E.Q. Presdient and Shawn is his 1st councelor w/ Eric connett as the 2nd. He's still YM's President, but hopefully he'll be released soon.