Friday, December 25, 2009

A Labor of Love

It all started innocently enough in September. A group of friends and I got together to scrapbook and started talking Christmas gifts. We each wanted to create special presents for our children's grandparents. We decided that it would be a lot of fun to make special cookbooks with pictures of our children, favorite family recipes, and thoughts/quotes from our kids.
We started with the plain white binders you see here and ended with individual books, unique and special for each set of Grandparents. Naively, we thought it would take 5-6 hours per book. It took many, many more hours than that, and a lot of help from Shawn, who took all the pictures and wrote all the recipes. I'd love to say that all 3 books were perfect, but they were all uniquely flawed. Hopefully they are well loved by all 3 sets of grandparents, because by the time we were done, it was really hard to give them up. It was a lot of fun to make them, and I've actually already have the plans for next years Christmas gift- which I'll start in January so it's done well before mid December :)


A Sharing Heart said...

What a wonderful gift. I am sure it will be a treasure for the grandparents.

Unknown said...

That is soooo cute and such an original idea. When you start Dave Ramsey - and next year are looking for ways to earn extra "snowball" money - let me know .. I'll be contacting you LOL

meredith said...

Thanks so much T, we've already started by not using cash only, but we'll start snowballing in January. :)

grandma camp said...

I LOVE my receipe book! It IS a treasure from the heart. It inspires me to make a book for my granddaughters of my favorite receipes. Of course there is a long distance between inspiration and completion.
Thank you so much for such a wonderful gift! I love you!
Grandma Camp

Grandma Camp said...

Do the meatballs freeze well? I didn't realize that the receipe made so many!

meredith said...

yes, the meatballs freeze really well. We love them :)

Grandma Camp said...

We love them too. I made them for dinner tonight and Grandpa said they are the best!

meredith said...

I'm so glad that you guys likes them. They are a new favorite of ours and are sooo tasty and easy to freeze. did you make the whole 100?

Grand ma Camp said...

No, we made half of the receipe. Next time I will use sausage with more gusto. This round was a mild sausage. Very good stuff!