My family LOVES pumpkins. Each year we go to the same pumpkin patch which is really more low-tech amusement park than patch. This year we tried to convince our girls to go to the Fall Lightshow ( ) which is actually cheaper and can be enjoyed (at least at some level) from your car incase of inclement weather, however, the youngest two daughters were adamant that we must attend the pumpkin patch. So attend we did. As we arrived, the snow was meltong off the roof of the harvest town buildings. You can see in the shot of the beige building that it was indeed snowy, but we still had a great time. We did, however learn some things this year:
* While finishing the corn maze quickly is fine it's far MORE gratifying to do so with out ever falling in the mud. Shoes will all still need to be washed though......
* It's more fun to play jumbo size games.... like checkers
* Feeding the goats is always more fun if you have free corn
* And me telling every person I see that i like their Red Sox cap does eventually pay off- as i met a family from the town next to my hometown. (They live in Boxborough) The dad is from Massachusetts and has lived their forever while the wife is from Rochester. We're pretty much living mirror image lives.
Anyway, we had a ton of fun and can't wait to go again next year- though we hope to do so without the snow.
You guys always have so much fun! What great parents you are! I never did anything as a child but work, work, work!
Hurray for fun!
Grandma Camp
Fun place after all, I do like cheessy things. Looking forward to next year, lets make a date.
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