It's hard to believe that we we've been married for 17 years. We've been so many places and done so many things together in the last 17 years. We've been to the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as well as the Gulf of Mexico. We've been to Disney World twice- once before kids and once with our oldest two. We've lived in Massachusetts, Idaho, Washington (state), and Minnesota. We've been so many road trips- to Toronto, Idaho, Florida, and Chicago. We've driven across country more times than I can count. We have brought 3 beautiful daughters into this world- the 1st two while we were still in school, the last one after buying our very 1st home.
We've faced our share of trials and have had many more good times. I married my best friend 17 years ago. He's made me laugh so hard that I almost wet myself, and he's held me when I've cried so hard and couldn't stop. It's been a great journey so far, I can't wait to see where it takes us.